Crookston Baptist Church

Crookston Baptist Church
Crookston Baptist Church
What does your business do?

Our business is the Crookston Baptist Church. The Church was formed in January 2010, as many of us where looking for a place to worship. Being a new church in the area and in fact the only Church in the area of Crookston, it has become quite popular. We meet at Rosshall Academy on a Sunday morning, with the service starting at 11am.

What is a typical working day for you/what does it look like?

A typical day for me would start on a Sunday morning at 10am. A group of us go to Len Lothian and pack the van with all the sound equipment we keep in storage. We then take this to Rosshall Academy and set up the mixer desk, speakers, amplifiers and other sound equipment, ready for the service starting at 11am. We then have a time of worship and a guest minister comes each week to preach the Word of God. There is also a crèche and Sunday School during the service. At the end of the day, we take it all down again and return it to our storage unit and Len Lothian.

What do you use Len Lothian for?

As mentioned, we use Len Lothian to store our sound equipment. They have an excellent facility and provide a good service. The facilities are easily accessible, very secure and are heated. The staff members are also incredibly friendly and very helpful.

What’s your top tip in Business?

The business of the Church is God’s business, so our top tip would be for everyone to realise the love God has for each and every one of them.

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